Beach 2U strives to be a sustainable company. Here are some ways we are doing that.

Keeping Maui Beautiful

Keeping the Wildlife Safe
Beach 2U Rentals is committed to keeping the wildlife safe in Maui. One of the leading environmental hazards for marine life is polystyrene such as styrofoam food containers and cheap, disposable boogie boards. That is why the beach lunches included in every Beach 2U Rentals package comes in a reusable, freezable lunch pack that gets returned at the end of your beach day. Not only that, all of our boogie boards are compliant with the Hawaii Department of Environmental Protection and Sustainability. Rest assured that the beloved sea turtles and humuhumu fish enjoy a more sustainable environment.

Keeping the Reef Clean
Another integral part of Maui's breathtaking underwater ecosystem is its reef. Recent studies have discovered the detrimental impact of petroleum-based suncare products worn by millions of tourist each year. Therefore, Beach 2U Rentals only offers mineral-based sun care products for use in the water. So you can help keep the bright colors in the reef...and off your face.